
Friday 23 June 2017

Blackout day-All blacks

Today everyone at school was dressed in their team colours most people dressed in black representing the All blacks team whilst a few others were wearing red for the lions. The school had two assemblies, one for a normal school day and another to wish the All Blacks the very best of luck, well...of course the lions too. We all sang tutira mai nga iwi which is the Lions tour song at the moment. Then the kapa haka group which includes me did the All Blacks haka '"Ka mate". During lunch time Mr Ovilgie  spray painted the letters "All blacks" on the grass on the field, we all were given numbers before our second assembly and when it was finished we all stood on a letter which contained the number 1 to 9.
A few moments later when that was done Everybody stood in a big circle surrounding the courts and we all passed a ball around back to the person who started with it. GOOD LUCK TO BOTH TEAMS.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Table chart-Rubbish response

This is a table chart showing PBS responses to dropping rubbish. It is shocking for me and harlem to see many people dropping rubbish including us. 69.2% out of 100% of pupils in PBS have dropped rubbish accidentally or on purpose. 30% out of 100% of pupils in PBS have taken responsibility for their actions and they sensibly put their rubbish in the bin knowing that dropping rubbish can have a negative effect on tomorrow. Our teachers Mrs Anderson and Mrs kirkpatrick have made a spreadsheet that shows our schools responses to dropping rubbish and the school is deciding what we can do to decrease the amount of rubbish dropped.

Dance-Keeping in time

Today for dance we were recording our dance to self evaluate and fix the things we were doing wrong. We learnt some pretty cool-new tricks and we also learnt to dance in time with the music which took a lot of practice.

Thursday 15 June 2017


Today for dance we filmed our dances so we can look over what we are doing wrong that we need to fix.I was working with Fatongia. We made a lot of new moves today and learnt how to make shapes using different methods. We were grouped up with Oh hsen and Dallas so we can film each others dance.

Wednesday 14 June 2017


Today for inquiry we had a provocation that we needed to explore. I was working with Mathias, 
Oh Hsen and Eric. As a team we had to come up with our own opinions and chose which one was the best but we couldn't speak. Our provocation was about the rubbish in our school and how we can resolve the problem of rubbish. Our whole group came up with this opinion: We can put out more bins because people might be lazy to walk to the bin. 

NZ flow chart-Milk

    This is a flow chart I have created with Oh hsen, Dallas and Eric.We made a flow chart about milk in schools and what happens to it when we put in in the blue wheelie bin.

Maths Problem - Mathias

Our activity today was to create a Maths Problem with a partner. This week we are learning how to find fractions and percentages. My partner and I made a problem and we solved it using our fractions and percentages.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Dance - Mathias

Today for dance we were working on our shapes and our exercises.I was working with jaydon and Fatongia. We managed to progress on our dance and make new shapes.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Samoan Cricket- Kilikiti

 Today for reading we watched a video about kilikiti which is a Samoan version of cricket. It was first played during the 19th century and is now taking place in areas all around New Zealand. Kilikiti is a common sport that Polynesians and other people like to play in the Summer time.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Main ideas-Mathias

This is a DLO about important information on a video we watched that includes reduce, reuse, recycle.We put all our information on to sticky notes so we can record them on to this DLO there are some very useful facts that can help you set an example for other people.


Today for dance we began by continuing our warm up after that we were studying videos of dancers making shapes out of there body. Then we chose a song that we could dance to. We chose trap music because it was the best to work out with

Monday 22 May 2017

Maths Problems

Today for maths I had to choose a question to answer out of the list I chose the first one which you can see at the bottom of the image.To solve these questions I used my subtraction to find out the answer.This activity was very easy and challenging at times.

Friday 19 May 2017

Chunky challenge-Mathias

                                            This is the activity I have been doing for reading this term.We had to find a bunch of words that begin,contain and end with the letters "est" this is a very simple activity for me and it was especially easy.


 Our focus this term is reduce,reuse,recycle i have made a DLO about the meanings of reduce,reuse,recycle.This is very important to your environment because it can harm nature,if we didn't recycle there would e rubbish flying everywhere.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

E-ako Maths

In this Method I had to use digits to solve this problem by counting the amount of blocks and answering them.

World of maths- Mathias

Yesterday World of Maths came to Panmure Bridge to spend the afternoon with us, LS1 and LS2 went to the school hall and the teachers put us into groups. We all chose an activity to start with. One of my favorite was the shadow rule. This was my favorite because it was challenging but easy in many different ways. The maths I have used to find the answer was addition and times tables it was very easy to use but the answer got harder because we had to use our measurements as well as multiplication.

Monday 15 May 2017

Similes #2-Mathias

This is my google drawing of the simile I have chosen to illustrate, which is as good as gold. On the right are some more similes from our previous activity.I have chosen a picture of an emoji with the thumbs up as an example of good, and the gold which helps me finish the sentence ''as good as gold''.

Friday 12 May 2017

Food Tech-Mathias

Today for tech we made a chocolate hedgehog made out of chocolate,cocoa,coconut,and peanuts. The chocolate hedgehog cake was very delicious and i am willing for more.

Thursday 11 May 2017


Today LS2 had a Taekwondo lesson with Steve our Taekwondo teacher.He taught us how to high kick and punch really hard also he told me to hit his stomach as hard as I could as a challenge and he stood there like he didn't even feel it.It was very challenging because we did approximately 30 push ups!! But this is exactly why when you do Taekwondo you need to focus and concentrate as much as you can.

Dance Lessons-Mathias

                                                             Today LS2 started doing dance lessons with Mrs Anderson,we first had to watch a clip of warm up routines and we had to follow through, after that we had to watch our own videos and draw figures of different exercises we can practice. We then had to search a song to exercise to.Me and my partners Fatongia and Jaydon were given a message to work together and exercise on the right pace because we weren't doing these things.

Monday 8 May 2017


This is my google drawing of the simile iv'e chosen "It's as slow as a snail" I have an image of a old Man who distinctively walks slow as an example of a Slow Snail. This is the link to more similes.  > Click Here

Friday 5 May 2017

Food Tech W1 T2- Mathias

Today for tech we made chocolate truffles, which are small balls of coconut, cocoa and chocolate topping mashed together creating a chocolate truffle, the rules to making chocolate truffles were very simple and i really enjoyed making them.

Thursday 4 May 2017

Current events-Mathias

Today we researched about the Chinese people who will not be selling elephant tusks also known as ivory by the end of 2017. When i first found out about this event i thought it was very sickening,they shouldn't have been killing elephants for their tusks in the first place. My opinion would be NO to selling elephant tusks because it is illegal and it is hurting the mammal species, maybe soon if this keeps on progressing their would be no fascinating elephants and rhinos lef5t on earth.

Wednesday 12 April 2017

Te Taiao O Tamaki Performance

Today Panmure Bridge School and other schools from the Manaiakalani cluster went on a trip to Te Oro to present a play about keeping local waterways clean. After the play we all walked out to explore all the different activities the schools have been learning about.

Friday 7 April 2017

Tamaki College Tech - Mathias

Today at tech we made a superbly Delicious mince pie, we all created the pastry to go with the filling we made last week and I am really excited to take a bite in this big boy.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Year 7&8 Camp 2017- Diary

This is my camp diary about all the activities we have done during camp, I have have added pictures to give you a vision of what we did,I superbly enjoyed camp this year. There were very entertaining activities and options to do and I wish that everyday I could do camp.

Kokako Lodge Camp- Collage

     At camp we are put in to groups to work with until the end of camp,I was in group 5 and this is our
     Group collage which includes every person in the group, we put in a bunch of photos to give an idea on        what we did at camp 2017.

Kokako Lodge Camp 2017 - Brochure

This is my brochure about camp 2017 and all the activities we did, We had many activities and they were all very enjoyable,The cabins were very nice and warm inside,the camp concert was very exciting because we all had a chance to express our talent.

I hope one day you also get a chance to visit Kokako lodge, because i know for sure you will enjoy it.

Friday 31 March 2017

Food Tech at Tamaki College

Today at Tech we made the delicious beef filling for the pies we are going to make next week.
The filling looks very enjoyable to eat,and i cant wait to make the pastry for our delicious pie.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Kokako Bird Info-Graphic

    This is my info graphic on the Kokako bird , With some interesting facts about their species,And many more distinctive features.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Photo story-Camp

This is my photo story about camp this year, we arrived to camp,We played a relays game, then to end day 1 we played an Animal game.Day 2 We did the activities of orienteering,High ropes,And archery.
Day 3 we did chariot racing,Adventure base learning,and some delicious dinner,The last day we made our lunch to take to the pools,Then we went to the pools and had a fantastic time,After that we ended of our day with our lunch.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

My Recount on Archery

During camp we were given the superb activities of high ropes, archery, chariot building and orienteering. My most enjoyable activity was archery.

We all stumbled up a very rocky hill to a private area where we all participated in archery. Before we all started shooting arrows we were given the safety instructions.

Everyone grabbed their bows and placed their arrows under the knot on the arrow holder. My arrow shot straight for the bullseye but sadly it wobbled into the mud.

I was relieved I actually shot it but to get better I tried again and again.    

In the end I was able to hit the target most times.

Monday 20 March 2017

Food tech - Tamaki College


During Food-Tech we made Chicken and salmon kebabs with potato salad using the ingredients of spring onion, Curry, egg, tartar sauce, And more also peanuts. 

It was very very delicious I really enjoyed making kebabs it was very easy. Now I can go home make some kebabs for my family. 
                   It was fun and i cant wait to go again...


Explaining Adverbs-Mathias

 I have done a DLO explaining what an/are adverbs, An adverb can help make your sentences very exciting for example : The dog barked...  See how plain that sounds? Now with an adverb.: The dog barked cautiously ... See how interesting that sounds . We need to use more adverbs to hook in a reader so we can end up being a illustrator. I hope you've learnt something about adverbs to make you better at writing.

Why people in auckland are being asked to conserve water.

My DLO is about why people in Auckland` are being asked to conserve water. We put a link up that shows you an article about Aucklanders having trouble fighting through the floods which was caused by heavy rain.
Also we need to safe our water so we don't end up drinking and showering in Dirty water, We need to safe 20 Litres out of our showers , brushing your teeth , drinking, washing.Stuff like that is what we need to safe water on.
Before you read my blurb you were Definitely thinking why should we save water ... Well here is your answer.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Ordering decimals

      Today for maths I had to pop these balloons in order of 
 Smallest to biggest to get a high score.

Friday 10 March 2017

Food Tech


Today for tech we made a delicious quiche that was very easily made. All we needed was butter,flour,eggs,cream,cheese,onion,and bacon.

I had a"lot of fun today and i cant wait to do it again.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Te Taiao o Tamaki

Today for inquiry we had to make a D.L.O on all of the Positive and Negative things people are doing to Omaru River , I have learnt that we all need to stop littering even if we think it's not going to effect anything

Tuesday 7 March 2017


Today during reading, in our groups we had to  discuss with each other which perspective we think is more accurate.We had to complete this task together as a team we managed to do that , and we are proud of ourselves.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Ordering decimals - Mathias

                            Today for maths we had to do Ordering Decimals it was a fun game we had to pop balloons which have decimals on it we had to pop them smallest to biggest.

Comparative and Superlative Writing.